WOV Welcomes You!
Women of Virtue's (WOV) mission statement is to be keepers of faith in commitment to Christ and our church, leading and supporting all congregants while creating a “sisterhood” for women. We are an unbroken unending circle boldly assisting our fellow sisters to find their voice, encourage their faith, and explore what “Biblical womanhood” really is, while supporting the teachings of Jesus Christ, of our church, its ministries, and of our community.
All women from the church are invited to join! We meet once a month to plan activities and fellowship. For more information, send an email to ncbcwomenofvirtue@gmail.com.
All women from the church are invited to join! We meet once a month to plan activities and fellowship. For more information, send an email to ncbcwomenofvirtue@gmail.com.

Women's Day 2022
WOV Christmas Party Highlights
On December 21, the WOV gathered at Rev. Marcia WOG's party room for food, fellowship, a gift exchange and carols! A great time was had by all! If you missed it, we have you covered. See photo and video highlights below.
Women's Ministry Meeting
Join other women in the church to fellowship and help make plans for the women's ministry in the new year. This in-person meeting takes place at 6 pm, every third Thursday of the month at the church. Your participation is needed and valued. Come on out and be blessed!

WOV Fundraiser
Fresh off the success of the Butter Braid & Pizza fundraiser, the women’s ministry is having a raffle fundraiser where you can purchase tickets for $10 each. Buy as many as you like for a better chance of winning two tickets to see CeCe Winans in concert on February 14 at 7 pm.

Women's Day 2025
We are elated to announce the date of this year's Women's Day as Sunday, March 30. This year's theme is" Gracefully Broken," and the inspired text comes from Jeremiah 18:1-6. The color this year is red, which symbolizes sacrifice, redemption, love, strength, and transformation – all of which are deeply meaningful for women who are navigating the journey through grace through brokenness. Red is a color that points to both the reality of the struggle and the hope of divine restoration. More details to come!
Click below to watch previous Women's Day Celebrations
Women’s Day tea party
As part of this year's Women's Day festivities, WOV are throwing a tea party on March 29! Come with your Tea Party A game ladies- there will be a contest for Best Hat & Best Dress! Click below to RSVP!

Women's Prayer Line
Jesus is on the Mainline, tell Him what you want! Every Thursday, women of NCBC connect on a Zoom call to support one another and lift up each other in prayer, as well as our families, communities, and the nation. Check your email for a Zoom invite and join in!